- Getting information
Dear investors, We would like to inform you that Goldmark Estates Ltd is the leading Real Estate Agency in North Cyprus. For your investment can reach us from our internet social media pages ( Facebook, instagram, linked in and twiiter), youtube channel, whats app and viber applications. Also you can fill the forms in our web page or you can send us an email from global@goldmarkestates.com .
When you see any of our advertiesements related to Goldmark Estates, feel free to ask questions. Our Professional agents will answer your questions as soon as possible. All of our agents are experienced about working with foreigner customers. We are promising to answer all of your questions about Investment in North Cyprus.
Because of the Pandemic Situation in the World, We are supplying online services like, Zoom Meeting presentations. In normal situation, After you reach us we sending you information about North Cyprus, investment opportunities and benefits of owning properties in Cyprus.
We will inform you about transportation to the Island, living conditions, Residency Permits, Taxation system of North Cyprus, Banking System, Legal Advises and Advocate Service, House Buying Permissions, Establishing Company in North Cyprus, Rent a car and buying a car, Council tax, Electric and water systems, Furnishing your house, Selling or renting your property, After sale Service and many other questions.
We are promising to give you right information everytime you need. We are Sure that you will love this beautiful Island in a short time period.
We invite you to live in this 300 days sunny island, North Cyprus
Always Welcome
Goldmark Estates Team